Purim is almost here!
And with it comes "The Four Mitzvahs of the Holiday", that fill this day with fun and joy!
1. Join a Festive Party,
2. Hear the Purim Story as it's Read from a Megillah,
3. Deliver gifts of food to a friend, and
4. Donate money to the needy.
We've got you covered for numbers 1, 2 & 3 at our Purim Party!
Here, we provide you with a quick, easy, and fun way to fulfill numbers 4 with an added component, in true Greenwich Jewish tradition, of friendly community building.
But first, a ten-second "How-To" primer on fulfilling the Mitzvahs the way Queen Esther mandated them on the very first Purim that she and Mordechai instituted, in order to celebrate our miraculous rescue from Haman's genocide.
Deliver gifts of food to a friend: In the words of the Megillah, this must be "Mishloach Manot Ish L'rei'eihu' - a personal gesture from one individual to another individual. Haman wanted to kill every single individual Jew, and on Purim - when his plans were thwarted - we must celebrate that uniqueness of the individual.
This Mitzvah must be done
In a format of one-to-one!
Donate money to the needy: Here the Megillah emphasizes the plural, "Matanot La'evyonim" -
Give as much money as you can
To anyone with an outstretched hand!
Using your personal link - here's how you can fulfill the Purim Mitzvahs:
Donate money to the needy: Choose as many names or groups of names on the list as you like, of those individuals to whom you simply want to convey Purim Holiday greetings. Each receives a basket with your personal Purim Greeting note signed by you, as well as notes from everyone else who loves them! This year's gift basket is a unique Shushan Palace theme, filled with assorted delicious goodies, candies, and Hamantashen. The proceeds of this part of the project will go directly to help Jews suffering from the earthquakes in Turkey as well as local scholarships for Jewish children to attend preschool & camp.
If you did not get your own personal log-in link, please use form below to request one or, please feel free to call Maruja at 203-629-9059 or email maruja@chabadgreenwich.org.