Know or Believe?
Know or Believe?
When and How to Critique Moses had a lot to say. The entire book of Deuteronomy consists of the words Moses spoke during the last thirty-seven days of his life. Words in which he retold the history of the prior forty years, which included not only Divine miracles and the extraordinary revelation at Sinai but also words of rebuke. The Torah tells us the precise date when Moses began speaking the words of rebuke: it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first of the month, that Moses spoke to the children of Israel according to all that the Lord had commanded him regarding them; (Deuteronomy 1:3) Yet, the Torah also informs us that this date was: After he had smitten Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, and Og, king of the Bashan, who dwelt in Ashtaroth in Edrei. (Deuteronomy 1:4) Rashi explains why the Torah emphasizes that Moses spoke after the conquest of the land of Sichon and Og, a fact that was well known as it was recorded in great detail earlier in the Torah. After He had smitten [Sihon]: Moses said: If I rebuke them before they enter [at least] part of the land, they will say, “What [claim] has this [man] on us? What good has he ever done for us? He has come only to vex us and to find some pretext, for he does not have the power to bring us into the land.” Therefore he [Moses] waited until he had defeated Sihon and Og before them and had given them possession of their land, and [only] afterwards did he rebuke them. Rashi teaches us a profound insight. Although Moses loved his people and was devoted to them unconditionally, he understood that, for whatever reason, the people did not necessarily appreciate the love. Moses understood that the prerequisite to offering words of critique is that the receiver feel appreciated, safe, and loved. Moses understood that as long as the people did not appreciate his devotion to them, he could not critique them. Moses waited. Moses waited thirty-nine years before he told the people the words of rebuke, which were motivated by his love for them. He waited thirty-nine years to ensure that they could hear the love in the rebuke. This is a lesson for us in our relationships. Before offering constructive criticism it is insufficient that our words emanate from a place of love rather than from our own ego. To help someone grow, it is not enough to love someone with all our heart; rather, we must ensure that they sense the love.
Journeys or Encampments?
The Power of the Daily Offerings Who doesn't love holidays? Holidays offer a break from the routine and a chance to find excitement and inspiration from the changed schedule and environment. Sometimes we find that the best way to invigorate our daily responsibilities and routines is to take a break and do something out of the ordinary. Our service of G-d also requires "holidays”, times when we stop the daily flow of our life and are more focused on celebrating and enhancing our relationship with G-d. Indeed, in this week's Parsha, the Torah lists the additional offerings brought in the temple on Shabbat and the holidays, symbolizing the additional closeness to G-d which we experience on those days. Yet, this week's Parsha also highlights the profound power of consistent routine. The sages of the Midrash discuss which verse in the Torah is the one that encompasses and captures the core message of the Torah. The first three sages offer verses that indeed seem to capture the essence of Judaism: all people are created in the image of G-d; the belief in one G-d; and the obligation to love our fellow as ourselves: Ben Azzai says: "This is the book of the chronicles of man; on the day that G-d created man He created him in the image of G-d." is a general principle of the Torah. Ben Zoma says: We have found a more encompassing verse, which is, "Shema Yisrael." Ben Nanas says: We have found a more encompassing verse, which is, "Love your fellow as yourself." The fourth opinion, however, is surprising: Shimon Ben Pazi says: We have found a more encompassing verse, which is, "The first lamb you shall sacrifice in the morning and the second lamb you shall sacrifice in the afternoon." a certain rabbi stood up and said: The halachah follows Ben Pazi. Shimon Ben Pazi states that the most critical principle in the Torah is the consistency with which we can apply the Torah to our daily lives. Shimon Ben Pazzi refers to the daily offerings offered in the temple every day of the year as the most encompassing principle of the Torah because, ultimately, the daily commitment is what affects and impacts our lives. More important than the great principles of the Torah is the ability to take daily action expressing these truths. We often wait for a new beginning, an inspired moment, or an extraordinary event that will help us grow and become a better person, parent, spouse, and friend. But perhaps the most consistent and impactful growth comes from the seemingly small, consistent, daily action.