As boys and girls approach the age of Bar and Bat Mitzvah, preparations for their big day begin. Our course on basic Jewish traditions provides stimulating discussions and presentations on intriguing areas of Jewish life. These sessions will provide the child with a broad range of valuable information that will prepare them for Jewish adulthood, ignite a love and pride in their Judaism and help them define who they are as Jews. Students enjoy a combination of learning and fun through regular meetings, field trips, activities, projects and involvement in the Jewish Community.
Ages 11-13
Sundays, 9:30 - 10:30 am
October - May
Location: Chabad, 38 Field Point Road
Curriculum 2024-2025
Jewish Identity:
"School Ties"
Faith and Questions
“Nicky’s Family”
Greenwich Woods - field trip
The Wave
6000 years in 60 minutes
“Young Avraham”
Great Jewish Heroes
Lifecycle Events
Kosher - Whole Foods - field trip
Customs and Prayers